Monday, May 6, 2013

It had been so painful, contemplating on how the note should be worded...would it reveal her neediness or the anger and disgust she felt, or the relief that this day had finally arrived?

"To my shame I have been video taping you for the past month...needing to see with my own eyes what I've already known was true in my heart."

She had left it on his nightstand, beneath his glasses where he would find it after his morning shower.  Listening to the rhythm of his morning routine from the kitchen she couldn't help but wonder when the exact moment was that he took the paper into his hand and began to read.

If the note had ruffled his feathers she could not see it. They ate breakfast sitting in front of the television with the local news mindlessly chattering about everything that had transpired since last nights broadcast. They shared the usual morning chit chat and rituals, yet he never let on that he had read the note..."enough is enough."

She kissed him goodbye as she left for work, knowing it might be the last time her lips would brush against his. His response was the same as it had been for years, tight and unyielding, as if he were being forced against his will.
And so, without looking back, she walked out of the door and into the next chapter of her life. Could he sense her resolve? Did he have any idea that their lives were about to change? If he did, he never let on as his gaze rested back to the television...